WOW! What a great turn out!! Thank you Utah scene, ya'll made this event better than excpected! Packed house, line out the door in the cold, close to 50 bikes rode in, some from deep in the cut of Utah, Raid drove down from Idaho to play and murked, Gods Revolver played a killer set, the food was great @ The Garage, Stone was drunk in 2 and a half seconds of delivering his books, which look insane! I can't thank the scene and anyone that put in effort to make this happen enough! Hollywood grinded to get this dialed, Dice folks... Thank You!! Utah loves you and it was a privilege for us to host such a rad evening!

Graves was hyped on the mild 30 degree temps.

On arrival

Go time!

The boys that make this all happen (Justina "the boss" grinds) these are the pretty faces

Dean calling out Elvis!

Stone delivering and Hollywood running merch

Raid! thanks Farmboys for making the trek!!

Tru Dat!

Gods Revolver closed the evening with a solid set! thank you boys!
Dice, looking forward to our next colabo.
Jer, I second your comments rad night had by all! cant wait for the next one
thanks for the good times guys.
We had a blast!! Thanks for having us. Great Party!
Damn good time!
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