

Y'all might remember, a month or more back, our boy Sean of Grim Cycle Salvage blew his arm up. If you bought a print for the cause, you definitely remember. I've been gettin' a couple emails from folks wonderin' how homie is healin', wether or not he got his surgery, and where the hell their prints are. I'm finally back in town after a month on the road, so here's your status, kids...

1, PRINTS) Y'alls prints are in the mail. Except for the big ones --- I wasn't happy with the printing, so they're currently being re-printed by another local cat. They'll be comin' directly.

2, SEAN'S STUPID ARM) I ran by Grim yesterday to scope the scene. Sean was able to get his surgery and says thanks to all y'all fools who bought shit and donated to help a brother out. He looks like Robocop with his new bio-mechanical apparatus, but I'm sure 6th grade kids think that's pretty neat... so he's got that goin' for him. He's back to work, but havin' a hard time actually wrenching, so he's been gettin' a hand from some of the good dudes who are able to. Chris and Monsieur Bobby were hangin' out, doin' what they could. In short, thanks so much to all y'all. Sean's still got an arm, and soon it'll be back to snuff.

Huge thanks, again, to everybody who helped our homie out. I'm glad he has an arm, cause folks kinda need them shits.


Sean said...

I can't say it enough. Thanks for the support. You motorbike fellas is a good breed.

Steve said...

Great! So happy you got a robotic arm Sean, I hope your back to normal soon!