My New-To-Me 93 FXR is back on the ground, where it belongs. This project took waaay too long. Needed a little more love than it was supposed to, and it seemed to fuck me every time I looked at it, but it's back where it needs to be.
A huge thanks to Sean for guiding me through my ghetto chop, suspension work, and basically wiping my ass the whole way. And another huge thanks goes over to Hobbs for showing up at the perfect moment with a git'er done attitude to just close it up and ride. I probably woulda stared at it and smoked for another few hours if you hadn't have shown up when you did, pumpkin.
I've been able to catch a few hours on it since it hit the ground Friday afternoon, and I'll tell you what... I shoulda bought an FXR ten years ago. This bitch feels like the lovechild of a freight train and a flat tracker... you can definitely tell where Erik Buell's head was at when he worked on this project.
There's still a fair amount of work in store to get this thing where I ultimately want it to be, so stay tuned. It's gonna be a fun fuckin' ride.
Stone that baby looks sick! I'm just stoked you have something to come shred on!
killer, buddy!
Hobbs can grow a beard now? is he even 20 yet?
Looks dope, Any winter rides planned???? Im Jonezen to ride!
seriously though....1. Stone, super stoked you're back on the road. take your time with the final details until the bike is exactly what you want now.....and 2. Jake Hobbs is the best dude to have around when you need someone in the clutch times to pull through and help get it done. I can't tell you how many times i've called him thinking i'm fully f-ed and he's got the answers on lock.
hopefully you guys celebrated the night with a few cigs and some whiskey.
the chronic.
Stone your hair is pretty
Tonino... I am hands down the prettiest man you'll ever know.
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